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Technical info's about color management

These few Colorsource papers and conferences to allow you getting more familiar with modern issues of digital color, and better assess the technical and economic stakes of color management progresses.

Subject of the paper or conference:


pdf file

Colorsource universal solution for fast, easy, and reliable quality control of proof and print works

Colorsource Conference at
Paris InterGraphic 2007

 Download the PowerPoint
as PDF

All you should know about color proofing for not dying idiot

France Graphique Magazine
October 2001


The simulation of proofs by the printing press: here is what you have always been asking to your Print House!

Intergraphic conference
January 2003

 French version only

Modernize your prepress workflow

France Graphique Magazine
paper March 2002

 French version only

The interest of CxF format for the digital workflow

Southern Intergraphic Conference
November 2002

 French version only

New production methods for better color contracts

France Graphique Magazine paper

 French version only

Basics of color proofing

Summary of an intervention
in June 98 for FEDEC professional association.

 French version only

1998 one year of I.C.C. progresses and outstanding problems

France Graphique Magazine
paper May 99

 French version only

1997 one year of I.C.C. progresses and outstanding problems

France Graphique Magazine
paper November 97

 French version only

Color measurement and Graphic Arts

France Graphique Magazine
paper October 97

 French version only

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